I choose to talk about Sanjay's presentation on how relationships are affected by new media because my life in the United States has everything to with the topic of his presentations. My mom met my stepfather online and the reason why I came to the United States was because my mom, who was never married to my biological father, wanted to marry my step father. (My life is a soap opera, I know!) Let's get back to his presentation...
Sanjay did not only prepared the materials but he also "set the mood" of his presentation by lowering the lights which was very cool because it related to the subject and it was appropriate for the presentation. I also like the way that he used the videos in the right places to keep up interest in his presentation through out.
The content of his presentation showed that Facebook, MySpace, eHarmony, chemestry.com have changed the way we view our relationships. Everyday millions of couples meet online either because they do not have time to look for someone in a bar for example, or do not want to date someone that they met in the workplace. Another reason why people turn to online sources for dating has to do with shyness and the inability of being able to talk to their special other in person. Online relationships also have their bad side because you never know who is really on the other side of the screen. For more about romance and new media visit his blog.
Citron Plant
6 months ago
多謝分享~ 真是意料之外的收獲!!..................................................................