The main difference between a blog and a wiki is the way you can collaborate with other internet users. In a blog one or more people are posting on the page like this one. On a wiki, people can change, switch, write and edit someone else's work or people can just write something new. On a blog, you can communicate through comments. On a wiki, you can just communicate your changes by just changing it yourself or creating a new page to discuss the issue. A wiki is your instrument of choice when the ideas are always changing and new things are coming up and changing very rapidly, a blog it is more steady and the ideas are more permanent.
Common examples of the influence of blogs are celebrity blogs. They are changing the way entertainment news are broadcasted. News about your favorite celebrity can be seen much sooner with blogs, as fast as you can click your mouse. According to the Article "Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media" by Melissa Gerry, new photos of celebrities can be seen in the blogs moments after they are taken.
One way to use wikis in our daily lives is to use it for business. When trying to put a single document together through emailing is hard to keep track of the latest version and it can turn out to be a nightmare. Wikis can solve this problem by using mutual corporation and keeping a record of all changes. Wikis can also help on the display and preparation of large documents, such as employee manuals for example. According to the article written by Ezra Goodnoe entitled "How to Used Wikis for Business" about 73 companies are using wiki technology, most of them are small businesses.
For more on blogs, check out this video. For more on wikis, check out this video.
Citron Plant
6 months ago
I believe wiki's have more collaboration than blogs, which is perfectly suited for businesses. They can use it for various purposes; as a information site for their company, as a schedule planner, as a list of various things like priority lists and such. Blogs are more suited for entertainment purposes because only the owner(s) have control over it and they can write anything they want (mostly their interests). Overall, wiki's have more freedom than blogs, and businesses need that freedom to fulfill their needs.